Outside Chimney Cap Measure

By |January 21st, 2016|Fireplace and Chimney Maintenance|

Outside Mount or Outside Chimney Cap Measure Guide: What to Measure to Get the Right Fit - Outside mount chimney caps fit over the entire chimney, like the lid on a shoe box. The Vertical Skirt on Outside Mount chimney caps attach to the sides of the chimney with screws or chimney cap adhesive. Many

Hide Fireplace TV for Christmas

By |December 11th, 2015|Decorating, Holidays|

What to do with the television above the fireplace, or other existing wall decorations, when you decorate for Christmas. You've put a good deal of thought into the selection and placement of your wide-screen TV, mirror or other artwork over the fireplace mantel. As Christmas approaches, you don't really want to have to take it down

How to Clean Slate Fireplace

By |October 22nd, 2015|Fireplace and Chimney Maintenance|

Want a clean slate fireplace hearth or fireplace surround? Here are the instructions you need for routine slate cleaning, deep cleaning, stain removal and polishing. Choose from either inexpensive home cleaning remedies or more expensive but powerful commercial slate cleaning products. Natural slate is a durable product with an earthy, welcoming vibe. Because it is porous, however, it tends to absorb

How Much Firewood Do I Need?

By |September 28th, 2015|Using Your Fireplace|

How much firewood should I buy, and when should I buy it?  How can I predict how much firewood I will need for the fireplace for the entire season? These are questions that may lead busy homeowners to postpone ordering their firewood.  Here are some answers from fireplace experts. How much firewood? While there’s no

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