A dozen tips on what to do and what to avoid doing to build a fire easily and safely in your fireplace: Do have a chimney sweep inspect and clean your flue annually. Do make sure your fireplace damper is open before you light a fire. See How to Open the Damper. Do use a […]
A throat damper is a metal door located above the firebox, but below the flue pipe. (See a diagram of the parts of a chimney here.) When the damper is closed, it slows the loss of heat that would otherwise go up the chimney. When it is open, it allows smoke and exhaust gases from […]
For a retro experience, tasty snack and memorable experience, try popping corn in your fireplace. You can make popcorn in the microwave or on the stove top, but gathering around the fireplace to pop and eat this favorite treat is a warmer, more intimate experience. Even the waiting is more fun. While one of the […]
Many of us are reluctant to light a fire in the fireplace, but we’re always glad we did. Sure, there’s a bit of work involved in starting and maintaining a wood-burning fire, but here are ten easy ways to minimize the hassle and enjoy your home fireplace more. 1. Have comfortable seating by the […]
Why Won’t My Wood Fireplace Fire Stay Lit…or Light in the First Place? You are all ready for a snuggly fireplace fire, but the fire in the fireplace won’t light! Or maybe your wood-burning fireplace fire won’t stay lit. Either way, use this check list to diagnose why your wood fireplace fire refuses to happen. […]
Luckily, chestnut season and fireplace season happen pretty much simultaneously. Starting in October and lasting into Spring, chestnuts appear in many grocery stores. Roasting chestnuts in the fireplace is a long-standing tradition in many homes. If you try it once, it will become a tradition in your home, too. It’s not just eating the roasted […]
You don’t have to be an Eagle Scout to start a fire in your fireplace. You just have to use a tried and trusted method. How to Start a Fire – Step by Step Make sure the damper is open. It may be located inside the firebox or at the top of the chimney. Crumple 2-3 sheets […]
Start your fires in fashion this winter! We’ve giving away 8 lbs of fatwood, a hand-crafted copper cauldron, and a pair of heavy-duty cowhide fireplace gloves for the ultimate fatwood fire starter kit giveaway! Fatwood is one of the best natural firestarters available. Loaded with energy-rich resin, just one or two strips of fatwood can […]
New to the world of wood burning fireplaces? Is this your first winter with a new fireplace? Or have you recently acquired the role of Chief Fire Builder in your home? 10 things you need to know before you light your first fireplace fire: 1. Open the damper before lighting a fire. Close it only […]